1941 pontiac
i ended up working all weekend. traded it for having next friday off. and that's kinda iffy now...still have deadlines, and a few more added on top of the ones i knew about.
i couldn't connect to the office computer on saturday, so had to skip the whittier community show, and drive an hour to the office to get things done. had the place to myself, got a lot done, but didn't quite finish, and called it a day after six pm.
sunday morning, someone posted a flyer about a show over at the vfw in industry. it wasn't set to start until after two.
so, because i was able to connect, i put in a couple of hours of work at home, then took a break, and got my better half to go with me to this show.
it was a really small parking lot. and the street next to it was full, so we had to go to a nearby neighborhood to park. ran across a busy street, and rolled in.
was happy to see a number of old cars, that i love to shoot, many i've seen before. this one, for instance, i'd shot at no less than four shows last year. and yet, i don't think i've ever posted it. the owner chatted with my better half, and shook my hand as well, so now is as good a time as any to put it up here.
gotta love an old pontiac, and the siren call of those chief hood ornaments...