what's up?

a weekend

1957 chevy 3100 truck

better half and i got off our butts this weekend, and hit up a couple of events, heavily attended by cars to our liking.

not difficult for him, since he wakes up at three in the morning every day for no reason at all, but lately, i prefer to sleep in on my weekends. i was the one that mentioned wanting to go to said events, so i managed.

my older brother and his wife were in town visiting my mother. being from the east coast, we invited them to join us at the pomona swap meet this past sunday. apparently, they also like to sleep in, but rallied, and were up and going when we stopped to pick them up at four a.m.

we were in the unusually short line to the gate before five. apparently, the threat of rain kept people away, at least until they woke up and noticed it was hardly a sprinkle. while not as impressive in the quantity of cars in the show area, as there are in the summer, my bro was still quite impressed. they went off to wander the aisles of things for sale, whilst better half and i headed off to do our thing.

was wonderfully cool…i do so hate the heat of summer. the off and on sprinkles of rain before sunrise did not deter us. better half had brought several camera lenses to play with. i stuck with what i know, and tried to refamiliarize myself with my camera.

better half seemed to ambush cars as they arrived, with the owners barely parked, before he was asking for headlights to be left on. i caught a shot of this red truck, after he had his pics, and still chatting with the owner.

i could have happily kept shooting until the swap meet closed, but my bro and his wife had already wandered through the booth area, the cars for sale, and were getting hungry for brunch, so we stopped.

they also wanted to leave. things that caught their eye wouldn’t fit on the carry on luggage, and my brother was in danger of buying a car, but couldn’t decide between two, and knowing he had no other spaces to park one back at home.

brunch in uptown whittier, before going home, where my better half took a long nap, while i downloaded my pics from a busy weekend, followed by a hard time choosing which to start first...

tis the season

1941 cadillac

2024 dia de los muertos in whittier. went out of our way, and planned to be there. fortunately, the weather played nice for me, and we were able to stay until around noon, before it got too hot, and crowded with people.

early in the morning, while cars were still rolling in, we found many outstanding cars. we were able to shoot a bunch before too many observers gathered around, or before the altars got set up. some we shot, then found them later in a different spot, so we shot again.

this really nice caddy stayed put, out front of the old folks’ home.

added bonus, there’s the “mayor” of whittier there, probably preaching to a friend. he’s a nice guy. sounded like he’s had a tough few months since i’d last chatted with him. same, brother, same.

i used to be all about halloween. i’ve got a big box of costumes from years’ past. my daughter typically has rifled through it by now, and pulled out some favs. now the box is somewhere in storage, and the memories are in tatters or rotting away in the heat. that might make some of them even better…

tonight i’ll be tossing candy at what few kids come by at my mom’s house. never can tell if there will be a lot or no costumed visitors, but at least this year, she got candy i like. tootsie rolls will probably pull out my fillings, and the chocolate will probably go straight to my waistline. oh well.


1947 chevy fleetmaster

i think i’m trying to block the sadness i’m feeling from losing my brother with something that makes me happy—going to cars shows and posting pictures again. it’s a nice distraction. i’ve missed it. i don’t miss the heat.

i am supposed to be scanning old family slide carousels to digital, but the little scanner my older brother loaned to my mom sort of sucks. fifty slides in, i decided to check the quality. i’m not liking the color. i guess i’ll reset the little scanner to the defaults, and just be done with it. but i’d rather work on my cars…

this week, better half and i decided to go to the latin gents’ cancer awareness cruise. forgot to bring my hat, but i did smear sunblock on before we left the house. i am aware that my pale skin and genetics will predispose me to a lovely sunburn, at the very least.

better half had to be out until about one in the morning, so we both slept in a bit later than we otherwise would have liked. we didn’t arrive until after ten, and the sun was cooking already.

we spent about an hour, shooting just two aisles of cars, before i needed a break from the sun. we went into carl’s jr for about another hour, having a burger and chugging some water. figured the light wasn’t going to change much in the middle of the day to make a difference in the pictures anyway.

only spent another hour and a half after that, and i’d had enough sun for the time being.

this is one of the latin gents’ club’s cars. i don’t remember a red fleetmaster from anywhere, but i haven’t been going out much the last couple of years, so that doesn’t mean anything.

silly us, after this show, we decided we’d drive out to legg lake, and check out the bbq show going on there. another forty minute drive, we could cool off in the air conditioned car, and be ready to take more pics.

well, we drove to the gate on rosemead boulevard, which was closed, but had a sign to take the freeway one exit to another gate. this allowed us to pass by where the cars should’ve been. well, by about two pm, there really wasn’t too much there to justify paying the entrance fee, so we skipped it. headed back to our old hood in uptown whittier, and better half picked up some overly zealously garliced chicken and some sides at the chicken koop. it’s currently stinking up the refrigerator. he says it’s very good, but i haven’t ever tried it. maybe another day.

headed home after, and we both took naps for a few hours.

thinking about hitting up huffarama next weekend, if the fires in the area are out…

easy rider

harley davidson deluxe

been busy with work all week, and exhausted by evening. but it’s friday, and my better half is out doing some work. home to myself, so not bothering him with my movies playing in the background, while i sit in the dark in front of a very bright monitor, playing with a picture.

we’re thinking about going out to a show or two tomorrow. maybe flip a coin, as i can’t stay out in the heat too late in the day. or i could just keep fiddling with last week’s pictures. there’s never enough time.

here’s one of the few bikes that showed up last week. at least the only one i bothered to take a picture of.

my favorite point of view is down low, for bikes like this. they just seem more grand. just a typical motorcycle, but lots of chrome to catch the light.

back to it

1963 chevy impala

we decided to get of the house today. try to get happy again, after the terrible stuff earlier in the month.

got up early, and headed out to the southeast classics fundraiser at pico park. i figured it would have enough cars to keep me happy, while i figure out how to use my camera again. better half came with me, he’d never been to a meet up at that park, and he wanted to play with some of his lenses that he’d never really had a chance to test out.

we started around the side of the building, after finding a bench to pull the cameras out of the bags. better half thought we should have left earlier, once he saw the cars already there. official roll-in was at eleven am, but here we were at just past eight.

this was the first car i took shots of. i liked the color. i took some pics of the back end, but didn’t like them so much, with a couple of modern vehicles in the background.

the owner enquired where he might see a picture of his car, as i was waiting for my better half to finish taking pictures, for a change. the sun came out after ten, so i was overheating, as usual, and was ready to go.

overall, it was a good turnout. more cars were showing up as we were leaving, but we were done.

death becomes her

1937 packard convertible

i find myself spending at least one day each weekend in san diego lately. so, a quick revisit to last year’s chicano park show is in order.

get there early. less people. sunrise shots. no interruptions.

viejitos always seem to park at this end of the street, near the basketball court. no doubt i’ve taken pics of these cars in previous years. just liking the sunrays behind the hood ornament on this lovely packard.

drove my mother, sister, and older brother down very early this morning to visit my younger brother in the hospital. was a beautiful sunrise over the waterways down towards del mar. the bluish cloud layer in the sky gave way to a bright orange sun and some unusual orange rays…not the typical god rays…but somehow nicer.

found out the other day, that they will be sending him to hospice in the next couple of days.

i had visited last week, in the afternoon, and he was already sedated, so i mostly did what older sisters do to little brothers—poked him, flicked his leg, called his name, trying to get some flicker of recognition from him. he half opened an eye, but that was about it. left after a couple of quiet hours.

we went first thing this morning, hoping to catch him awake and/or before they knocked him out. success. had an lovely, and emotional visit for a couple of hours. he was unable to do much, but we did get him talking a bit, cracked some jokes, got him to smile a little. dredged up old memories from childhood and his days in the navy. got some sips of juice into him. he started drifting off to sleep, so we said our goodbyes, promising to be back.

at the same time we were entertaining my brother, my better half was up in northern california, with his sister, in a hospital.

unfortunately, she passed away, soon after he arrived to her room this morning, almost as if she had waited for him. she was surrounded by family, and went peacefully.

perhaps he will write about it on his own blog. perhaps he’ll ask me to edit my post.

she was well-loved, and will be missed by many.

get on with it

1964 chevy impala

went to the azalea festival show last year. i think we are done with that one, the attendance is low compared to past years, and the people at the gate, while friendly, just won’t let me in before it gets too hot.

here’s the back end of an impala. the front is pretty plain, so i always prefer the tail lights on impalas of any year.

kinda wished they’d closed the trunk, but can’t have everything.

whoa, it’s been a while since i posted. so much going on.

last post found me temporarily in chicago. later that day, i was in washington, d.c., where i spent a week at a conference. it was so hot outside, i did actually attend the classes. i had scheduled a free day to get out to the museums, but i so could not tolerate the humidity, i only managed the national archives, since the metro station was very nearby.

about half-way into the week, i found myself feeling so very sick, that i stayed in my hotel room and watched the video feed of the conference, and otherwise slept.

better half was unable to join me, so i was on my own, and had to stumble out for meals, and ultimately in search of some cough drops, nyquil, and tylenol.

standing by the metro tracks, i found i got really dizzy if i watched a train pull in to the station, passing me quickly. turns out i was running a fever over 101.

last couple of days there, mostly just coughed a lot.

flew home, to find i was positive for covid, though i mostly felt fine by then. locked in the bedroom, better half would fetch me food, and i didn’t see my mother until i went negative.

was very busy at work, with a big tradeshow in process, and another coming up.

lately, my brother got sick, and he’s been in the hospital for about a month now, and probably for some time to come.

better half’s sister is also in the hospital, and he’s gone north to sit at her bedside.

my daughter was here for a month with her dog, while she worked at the oc fair. i mostly watched the dog at my mom’s. at least a big barky doberman keeps the salesmen away from the door. no, we have no interest in bug exterminators or solar panels, thanks. they really are very pushy, and don’t understand no.

i’m doing some physical therapy, to help with the dizziness i’m still experiencing since i fell.

hoping to get back to swimming in the morning, before work, now that the dog is back at home, but my sleep schedule is all screwed up, so have been unsuccessful getting back to that.

i’m still rotating between visits to my brother, then working from my house or my mother’s.

not a lot of free time, but this past weekend, because of circumstances, i was able to sit in my home; in silence; in the dark; turn the tv to whatever i wanted to watch, as loud as i wanted; got to see a movie—wolverine and deadpool—which the better half would never want to see; and go clean my mom’s carpets.

i need to head over to see her shortly, but i’m delaying. got the ac going here; she keeps hers turned up to at least seventy-six.

expecting another busy week at work, though my boss is out of town, the show must go on.


1948 chevy fleetline

i liked this car. i think i entered this picture in the fair last year, but they didn’t select it for judging. maybe they’ve had enough of my pics, and let someone else use the wall space.

it rained off and on that day, only it was chilly. had to cover the cameras once in a while.


i find myself sitting here in chicago, at o’hare airport. weather outside is sunny and about eighty. in here, it’s very cold, and i like it.

i have three hours to kill, until i board to my next destination. the city is so close, yet just far enough there is no point in leaving the airport.

would love to get a pizza at lou manalti’s or any number of smaller, out of the way pizza slinger shops.

wouldn’t mind visiting a certain piece of sidewalk on dearborn street, and spitting on it. didn’t bring my camera, so i wouldn’t be able to take the sunset picture by the river better half had been looking for.

didn’t have a chance when we were here in may. i think my better half would rather not revisit it anyway.

now i’m here on my own, which isn’t as much fun as when he’s with me. better half doesn’t fit in airplane seats; the rows are too tight for his long legs, and he refuses to fold into a birthing position.

watched a quiet place 2 on the plane. interesting. room to continue in another movie, if they choose to do it. at least the little kid nearby was busy watching cartoons, and laughing as only kids can. the monsters would have scared him.

better half would have watched a pixar movie.

i guess i’ll take a walk for a bit, before i sit some more, and sit some more.

where i’m headed will be a hot, humid place, and the rain that is expected will make it even more yuck. is that better than a hot and dry yuck at home?

i like air conditioning. it’s my favorite.

to hell and back

1939 chevy master deluxe

1939 chevy master deluxe

here’s an old picture of an old car. an old car that looks better than a new car.

twenty nineteen was back when i was still going out to shows pretty regularly.

things were in a groove, everything normal.

granddaughter was born.

then covid shut things down for the tiniest bit of time.

anyway, this lovely was from a fundraiser out at the broiler in downey. it’s been sitting in the queue for a while, and i’m just sitting here pondering what to say.

like the overcast, my mood clouds my thoughts. i don’t write as much as i used to, my thoughts kept close in. i don’t have the long daily drive to whittier anymore to make note of fellow idiots on the freeway, or to laugh of my day’s doings.

but, my better half is downstairs, already fallen asleep on the couch, and i won’t wake him. he has a fan blowing across the coffee table, so he didn’t hear me creep back in from a short walk. he’s kept the air conditioner off all day, and it’s taking a while to catch up with the stagnant air.

i was at my mom’s all day, which is pretty similar—she get’s chilled if i turn on the air conditioner—so i slowly melt while i work. thought about dragging the fan downstairs from the room i slept in last night, but got too focused on what i was doing, i forgot about the heat.

we’ve been travelling a lot recently, and have some stories we could tell.

took a three week vacation. on a train to chicago again, and drove back, mostly route sixty-six or thereabouts.

the start of the journey was probably setting the tone for the rest of it.

boarded the sleeper car in los angeles. on time, settled into two roomettes for a long day’s journey to emeryville. my brother’s first trip in a sleeper car. he and my better half get one, and i get one for myself. beats the heck out of coach.

it was iffy for several weeks if my better half was even going to be able to go, much less climb to the upper bunk. he’d slipped and hurt his back. luckily just a terrible internal bruise that only hurt if he breathed or moved. but it actually improved by walking miles every day, reducing the inflammation. that’s another story, if he cares to tell it.

then the conductor announced a delay.

and then announced that there had been people on the tracks in the next city on the route.

and then announced someone got squashed by a train.

and then occasional announcements that the police were doing an investigation, and there was no eta on when we would actually leave the station.

four hours later, the tracks were cleared to go. the rest of that ride was uneventful, save for a worry about who would be cooking dinner, as the crew was about to time-out. i think they found a fresh crew at one of the stops, so we didn’t have to starve or have anything brought onboard.

we arrived in emeryville, just south of san francisco, about two-thirty in the morning. an overnight stay in the hotel across the tracks.

there were only a few of us that got off the train. we three, the only ones that got into a piss-smelling elevator up to the bridge over the tracks. crossed the bridge, pressed the down button for the elevator on the other side.

the doors open to the temporary sleeping compartment of a very large, very smelly homeless man and his worldly possessions. we’d interrupted his slumber, and he sat up groggily.

unsure, i asked if he minded if we could scooch in with our luggage for a minute.

it was an uncomfortable minute to the ground floor. at least this elevator was otherwise clean and unpissed. we left him to his bedroll, and stumbled across the parking lot to the hotel.

we’d warned them we’d be arriving late. the lobby staff were doing their accounting, and fortunately, the friendly voice on the other end of the phone earlier had prepped our card keys for our arrival.

we all flopped onto the two queen beds and slept for the few hours left before the next train.

next morning, was a blur of quick showers, then back to the bridge. our friend from the night before had vacated the space, so the crossing was uneventful. another couple were ahead of us. i wonder if they had been on our train yesterday and got to meet the troll, or if they came from elsewhere earlier in the day.

train arrived on time. scheduled for three days, two nights over the rockies to chicago on the zephyr. first day went as expected. beautiful views of mountains and trees.

next day, same landscape, but things went sideways about half way through colorado.

parts of the story i won’t share, as it had to do with my brother. that’s his story, and not for public consumption.

as far as the train trip, the conductor began announcing inclement weather ahead, and throughout the evening and the night, the train had to slow down, or even stop for periods of time. heavy rain and tornadoes ahead of us, ending up with us arriving in chicago twelve hours later than scheduled, at six-ten in the morning of another day.

all i will say, is that the weather was perfect in the city, and the mile or so walk to our hotel was welcome after all that time stuck on a train.

but we did not get go to wrigley field, or enjoy much of the city, as we made a hasty retreat home the next day, two days ahead of schedule, which was good and bad.

bad, because i’d never been to wrigley, and haven’t really been to a baseball game in a few years.

good, because as it turns out, some wicked weather was on our tails half way across the country. had we gone north, as initially advised, we would have been in the thick of heavy rain, hail and tornadoes.

abbreviated version of the drive: we’d drive several hundred miles each day, book a hotel online, eat, sleep, shower, repeat. for eight days, i think. they blur. didn’t really want to push too late into the evenings. some days we only went a couple hundred miles. short stops here and there for a couple of pictures, but mostly running ahead of some nasty weather.

we would wake up the next day to hear the weatherman on the television say that a tornado head destroyed some town we had driven through the day before. the rain only caught up to us for a bit around st. louis, on the most tangled intersection of several freeways, but better half still managed to stay in the correct lane for the direction we were going.

still got home four days early. we were my brother’s keeper for a couple more days after we got him home as well.

better half and i, took another week, for another journey, that i guess i may write about another day. a vacation from a vacation.

getting late here, and i’ve a buttload of work to do tomorrow and the rest of the week, as my employer was quite glad i came back, so saved it up for me. :)

and i’m spent. g’night.