what's up?

in remembrance

1954 buick special

how the heck are you all this memorial day? don't forget those you loved who are no longer with us, and those who served our country and gave their lives so you can enjoy yours today. oh heck, thanks to all the veterans and enlisted too. hug them, while they're still here; time flies too fast as it is.

hey dad, both my bros, my sister-in-law, and to all my my relatives that have served in the navy – thanks for all you've done and still do.


this car i found in riverside. beautiful old buick. the lady that owned it said it had been her husband's pride and joy. it will be a year ago, july 4, that he passed. she said he hoped she would still take the car out to the shows. well, she does, and puts a big poster in his memory in the front window, but took it out for my shot. thank you.

road toads

double whammy day

1960 buick invicta

this one is the second post for the day. posting tomorrow's picture early, since it's my own personal double whammy...mother's day and my birthday. no big, but i know i'll be out and about, and most likely won't post by the evening.

i've never seen one of these. and no, it "ain't pink," it's more of a salmon color, but the hot sun really warmed it up. i don't know why this was off by itself on a side street, near the bus stops. seems a shame; it really was a beautiful car. great for me, as i could shoot from any angle, though out here at the back, i was in the path of the cars cruising by.

kudos to the dude in the muscle car brilliant enough to really rev his engine while stopped in front of that police station behind the bus stop...the show people made him leave. better them than mr. CHiPs, i suppose.

master of the universe

1949 buick roadmaster

maybe not of the universe, but of the road. yummy grille on this old buick. lots of chrome. and oh so shiny. would i buy this if i had the cash? i dunno. what would i buy? i'll have to think about that.

lots of cars are showing up with for sale signs plastered on the windshield. is time to start the next “project” or can't afford the gas? well it's a buyer's market, if only i had the money to get something and do the upkeep. do these old cars become money pits, like boats?

------- wtf, it's already after 10 pm...no wonder i'm tired. i can't help myself...just had to post one more. nighty night bunny wab-bit.

four eyes

1959 buick

this one is pretty cool. i first saw it in march of last year in lakewood. then i didn't see it again for a long time.

for the past few weeks, he's been going to the broiler in downey. just been waiting to get another chance for a front view.

finally got one i like here. while the fins and paint job are appealing, the front chrome is kinda making me happy in this picture.

baby you're much too fast

1972 corvette

so yay for me, a corvette with it's hood down! so wanted one of these puppies when i was a kid, but didn't everyone?

i like it next to that big ass buick, the corvette's sensuous lines contrasting the heft of the other car. and it's like they called each other before the prom and got all coordinated for the picture.

old timer

1916 buick

this 1916 buick 45 was at the whittier founder's day celebration i mentioned a couple of days ago. i think it was the oldest car there, and possibly, one of the oldest i have in my collection here.

i think i'm finding it more facsinating seeing and learning how cars evolved over the years, each generations' designers copying each others ideas, various models so similar, yet so different. can still see it going on in the cars of today...does everyone go to the same design school or what? if only that sense of classic style would come back. i think it kind of did with the pt cruisers and the recent thunderbirds. more curves and presence, something undefinable that is just missing in the standard crap they have been turning out, small tweaks, and they call that a new model. yippee. just too boxy and lacking style.