what's up?

call me wednesday

not my usual car, but i really liked the paint on it. and it was out here by itself. unfortunate that the other club's banner is up there on top of another car's convertible top directly behind it. oh well.

i liked the way it smiled too:

oh ya, regarding the title, anyone watch the addams family movies? my better half remembers seeing the first one, and upon seeing the girl, wednesday, he thought, "holy shit, that's kathy." especially when they come out from the little cabin and she says something to the effect of wanting to be perky, and then tries to smile, thereupon scaring everyone.

ya, that would be me. dark and twisty, and i don't smile a lot unless it's for real...the continuing arguement/discussion of me not smiling at car shows or on demand.  i can't fake one. really, i will, if there's a reason.

hell, that's not true either. i have wedding photos without a satisfactory smile plastered on either. sorry d. photoshop can fix that...joker joker joker!

choppy days are here again

it's so late. had issues logging in here.

long week already, and it's only tuesday. and so very busy at work, i've already put in a couple of overtime days. more to come for the next several weeks. will keep me out of trouble right up until the chicano park show in april, then back for more following that weekend. hamster on a wheel all right...

so quick recap: did three car shows this weekend, though not necessarily all that i wanted to go to. i was extremely fatigued, and i'm suprised i even got out of bed to go anywhere. but i did, and i'm glad, or i would have missed a couple of very good shows.

saturday, got out to the chino corn feed run. liked it a lot. i can't judge the numbers, but there were at least a couple hundred cars up and down the main street and in the parking lots and lawn of city hall and the area surrounding the civic plaza.

bonus that it was just the perfect weekend weatherwise: overcast and cool. so no harsh shadows until later in the day when i was about done anyway, and i didn't die of heat exhaustion.

problem with doing several shows is that i got so many pics, and having to copy them over, back them up, label them, etc. takes a lot of time. and then i'm running out of space on the puter again, so having to back stuff off of that as well. and then deciding which to post...

my better half liked this buick, so it's mostly here for him. he was home all weekend taking care of his mother. good boy. greggie loves his mama...greggie loves his mama...

ok, tired and going to bed for five hours of sleep.

buick eight

another from the elks' club yesterday. ecclectic mix of cars, as you can see from this one to the muscle car in the background. never know if this show is gonna be busy or not, but the latin gents always show up to support their guy, ernie, who runs it.

a guy came over to chat while i was taking some pictures of it. was guessing what year it might be; i dunno. said he had just been driving through garden grove and saw it going down the street, so he kinda just followed it and ended up at the show. thought it was really stunning. 

i told him about the show over at featherly park, which i didn't go to, as i had limited time out of the house before i had to get back home. seems to me he walked around a bit more then took off. i wonder if he happened to drive on over to the other show. i'm curious as to what was there, and will be looking at flickr to see what people post up there.

ernie—good tunes, good show.


got the call for entries for the oc fair. what to enter...what to enter...so many to choose from. any preferences?

a day like any other day

spent dead presidents day out and about, running errands, grocery shopping, and doing laundry, which i doubt any of the presidents had to do themselves. ever.

i've got a biography of bruce lee running while i play with my pictures. interesting guy. i remember watching his movies on the weekend when i was a kid. he kicked ass. and what kid never pretended he was flinging nunchuks around?

so, no car show today. maybe i'll go to chik-fil-a tomorrow. probably going to my mom's anyway. gotta get back into a groove before the summer shows start again.


saw this buick at the majestics new year's show. big car. elegant lines. love the pine trees framing it.

with a buzz

buick eight with a buzz

drove straight to the broiler after work, took just under two hours in traffic. but it was so worth it. halloween show, mostly for the kids–candy, costumes, and contests. loud music, and colored lights; the neighbors must really love it.

lots of bombs and lowriders bouncing into the lot. been a long time since i've seen the back lot so full.

getting late, but my batteries are charging and i've backed up tonight's pictures. going to st. hillary's show tomorrow morning, hopefully early, but i'm pretty tired. hoping for some overcast for a few hours. 

here's a quick shot from this evening. back end of papa jimmy's old chevy. didn't notice the bee until i looked at the picture. i like it anyway.

free at last, free at last

1959 buick

i was going to post this picture yesterday, in between packing up my belongings and cleaning, as my son was returning home from his six weeks in europe yesterday evening. but of course, the internet decided not to work, so all i could do was unplug and pack up the computer to bring back home to whittier.

i'm pretty sure the dog did it. i mean, disabled the internet, so i'd have to pay attention to him. he already figured something was going on, with all the activity that was not normal for a weekend. probably just hit the cable with his tail while he was under the desk.

this buick was from last weekend's sultans show up at signal hill park. i thought the turnout was decent, though i did  hear some rumblings about not as many as were expected, blah, blah, blah. i think they always say that.

don't see many of these cars, and it was sitting up on a hill at the edge of the show, so fewer people in the way. took a bunch of shots, but on a quick glance through the pics, liked this one for the moment, so showing here. ask me again tomorrow, and i'd probably pick a different angle. i do like the shot from the tail end, because it has the swoopy fins that many cars of that year seem to have to some degree.

chatted a little with the owner and his buddy while i shot a few from the back. says he mostly goes to local shows and not all that often, so pretty sure he won't be at the uptown whittier show next week (i will be there, as usual, its my hood, so i can). he did say he was going to take it down to the belmont show whenever that is, but i've heard it gets pretty crowded, so i haven't made the time to go in previous years. who knows, maybe i will this year. depends on what i'm doing.

shot a panorama of his dashboard, because i'm always looking for a nice dashboard to update the one at the top of this page, but just can't seem to find a better one yet. i really liked his decoration hanging from the mirror. didn't ask him if there was a story behind it, as in did he recently get married, or did he just think it was cool.

1959 buick dashboard


like i said previously, i've been able to get out to a few shows on the weekends and shoot, but have just been unable to do more than download and backup the pictures before the dog got impatient with me.

i'm just back from the unidos show this morning, which wasn't as busy as they'd have liked it to be. someone said it was because of the car parts show over at pomona fairgrounds, and some other show going on at the same time. so my better half has just got my computer going again, and i'm downloading pics from this morning while i post this picture intended for yesterday.

thanks to the guys who have been handing off flyers to my better half to give to me, at the couple of shows he went to without me. he thinks its pretty funny when they hand him a flyer for me, and i'm shooting a car nearby — apparently that happened today. i totally understand though, he's so much easier to talk to with his bubbly personality.

i'm blathering on, and i've got several weekends of car show pics to sort through for another post later today. hoping to get back to a more regular schedule of playing with my pictures now, so do check back again, if i talked to you recently.

early early

buick century

best time to go to a big show is before it is supposed to start, the earlier the better. especially a show out in riverside, where the daytime temperature can shoot to over a hundred degrees on a cool day. wasn't the case this year, as it was unseasonably overcast and cloudy, but i still only managed to go out early in the morning and later in the evening. stupid foot was bugging me. still is. i'll give it a few weeks then go back to the doc.

this belonged to a couple who spent the night nearby in a motorhome. poor things. really roughing it. not. he found me out behind another motorhome shooting a little pink coupe, and he headed over to uncover his car. i had no idea what was hiding behind door number three, but i was pretty happy with what was revealed. 

sun coming up, trees, and few people and cars passing by, so i was free to take whatever angle i liked.

i have one more promised car to do, if i can decide i like any of the shots. then it'll be time to get back to a nice old chevy.


working eight hour days, but they feel like twelve. my foot still cramping my style. i went to the broiler tonight—first time in a couple of months—really going down the drain there. got there later, and still not much in the lot, so i took a few shots, chatted with my buddy angel and his friend, and left.

feeling super

1957 buick super

i'd hoped for a more interesting sunset when i stopped at the elks' lodge last week. had also hoped for more cars like the previous time. lot was only half full by the time i got there, even with friday traffic, so i didn't stay very long. of course, about the time i was done and heading to my car, the viejitos began to arrive. that's ok, i'd shot the couple that drove in here previously, and didn't feel like walking back to shoot them this night.

as usual, a lot of cars had their hoods up, so natural selection was already thinning the herd for me...

thought this buick was kinda nice, with its xmas color paint scheme. really good condition too. big chrome bumpers do tend to catch my reflection, which isn't my favorite part of shooting cars, but i hope my pictures reflect well on me...

one more

1963 buick

i'm trying to work from home today. so far, it's great...nothing to do, and no one responding to my emails. everyone here is asleep, and in spite of working at a desk near the visiting college kids, i think i could march around like daffy duck banging trash can lids and stuff around the guy trying to get some sleep in a hotel, and they wouldn't hear it.

anyway, this picture was ready last night, so just thought i'd put it up here quickly. last post of the year. will be my 526th car in my virtual garage here. that's what you get for persistence. and haunting car shows too often. thanks for letting me take pictures of your babies. we'll see how much longer i can afford to keep showing them to you here.

i liked the reflected clouds on the hood. and this shot kind of shows you how full the lot was this day. don't think i've ever seen it so full, but then, i hardly ever stop by this show, so what do i know?

don't drink and drive tonight...at least not in the nice cars...my pictures show all the dents.


1963 buick riviera

ya, not so much into these kind of cars, but i can appreciate a good paint job or pinstriping. bright, sunny, hot day, so it kind of blows out the glitter paint on the roof, but i did like the pinstripes. and that's all i have to say about this. it's late, it's raining, and i'm tired.

oh, and btw, happy bday to angel...your facebook page keeps reminding me...gotta kill off that feature. that and "other people you might know..." thanks zuck. ttfn.