what's up?


1954 chevy bel air

1954 chevy bel air

here in france for a few days, for the first part of this vacation. never been here, and finding it charming in an historic city way. not too difficult finding our way around, mostly because my kid and his wifey have been here before, and he is refering to maps on his phone to find routes to wherever.  i did not take french in school, but seem to understand a lot of words, and can pick my way through the menu well enough.

lots of walking, and discovering neither of my broken in shoes ar very good to my feet for these miles long marches across the city and back. one pair is attacking my big toe, as it slides forward a bit, and the other pair jammed my little toe into the next, as well as having got some sand in it from crossing a park.

but ignoring that, have seen a lot in two days, and contemplating whether i want to watch sunset from the observation deck of some tall skyscraper. i may just skip that tonight. seems more tough to get four people to agree on what to eat and when to eat it. our time zones are scrambled, but i am ok, but the others snack often then do not seem interested in a meal. 

taking lots of pictures, most will probably never be seen, but there are a few up in my instagram, for my mom and daughter to see. 

not seeing any classic cars here so far, unless we’re talking citroen and puegot. three wheel motorcycles (two in front) and vespas abound.

so, i’ll put up this good old chevy to tide me over for a while. from pomona a while back. since i’m gonna miss it tomorrow. and dia de los muertos in uptown. and huffarama at san manuel. le sigh... 

also, i have someone whose father was an original member of 13 gents car club, who recently passed away, looking for other original members that would talk with them. if you have any contacts, i would be happy to pass along info to them.


1951 mercury

1951 mercury

shiny back ends from pomona a couple of months ago. pretty sure my better half was with me that morning, so this must be from march, actually. before his sister took off, and didn't come back to help with their mom. seems to be how we tell time around here...days blur together anymore.

queue the long, poorly told tale of yesterday evening—in case you want to opt out, and continue to some other post. i'm pretty tired.

took me an hour and a half, at least, to get home yesterday. i left work at three on a friday. just my daily hell.

ordered some dinner from one of the uptown restaurants. fuck cooking. didn't even want to walk over to pick it up...drove over to get it, and the order was just being brought out when i walked in the door, five minutes before it was expected to be ready. sometimes things just work out as they should.

then my daughter sends me a picture of my mom.

she had just gotten home from work. she walked into the kitchen, where my mom was apparently behind the doors of the pantry, trying to figure out dinner herself. 

kid calls out to her, and my mom peeks out from around the door. she has a black eye. 

daughter is like, "wtf." my mom said she'd gone for a nap around four, just fine. apparently, she woke up like that. slept on that side.

i previously mentioned that my mom had fallen backwards on the driveway. so that can't be a good sign, right?

thinking something bad was going to happen, kid sent me the picture. she tried talking her into going to the hospital to get checked out, since she'd refused the day she fell.

she wasn't having any of it, very, "it's nothing." really didn't want to go to the hospital.

i, of course sent the pics off to my brother and sister. other bro is off on vacay somewhere or other.

sister got on the phone to her before i could. brother responds with a comment about maori warriors. i say mike tyson.

i call my kid, who says gramma is on the phone with aunty. i can hear in the background, that my sister is having no luck convincing her into going. my dad, is meanwhile, upstairs sleeping and unaware.

finally, she's off the phone, so bye kid, calling gramma now. my turn goes better. point out that she may be bleeding into her head, and the pressure is building, she may have a concussion, she could lose her eye, she could have a stroke, and any other outcome i have seen on all the medical shows i've ever watched.

she was still saying no, that it will be too busy on a friday night, but i just said that i was coming down there, so she might as well get ready, make a list of her meds. i was going to be there to check her myself. she relented for whatever reason, and agreed to go then.

notified bro and sister that i'd gotten her to agree to go to the emergency room. back on the road south within about five minutes. sister calls about twenty minutes later saying she was going to meet up at the house and go with us.

blah blah blah. cutting to the chase, because i assume everyone knows the drill at a hospital. she'd fallen, so that called for x-rays, blood work, ct scan.

while she's off doing her thing, kid sends another picture. dad this time. he's got his own issues. he'd also fallen down earlier in the week, but hadn't told anyone until the day before. without going into specifics on him, he's got some bleeding going on somewhere, and it looks worse then ever. so we're off showing the pictures to nurses, asking their opinion on if we should make him come in. nurses do not want to give legal advice or opinions, but would say that is not normal.

we're on the phone with him, saying we'll come pick him up and bring him in, there isn't much waiting, and we could have both parents in the hospital together. we know how to rock a friday night. he refuses, saying he has doctor appointments lined up already for the week, and it can wait. he says no, it's a no. men. pfft.

meanwhile, mom is returned to us in the waiting room.

she'd landed on her ass, so that's bruised and sore. she walks slowly, and refuses to really be pushed around in a wheel chair. she'd also bumped her head on the cement. under her queen of england helmet hairstyle, she's got quite a pointy bump growing as well. i think she's going to be a unicorn if she doesn't get some ice on that.

only really waited about an hour to get an exam room. doctor comes in, with his dictation lackey behind him, typing up everything being said.

tests are not showing anything that would cause the bleeding. he keeps saying it looks like old blood, and that it will probably look worse before it looks better. says had i brought her in the first day, he'd have kept her overnight for observation because of the meds she takes, but now that it was several days later, he could see what's going on easier.

all in all, unless she feels worse, starts throwing up, feeling dizzy, vision problems, she should be ok. rest, and ice packs advised, and we're sent home within two and a half hours.

it's after midnight. kid has been up, keeping an eye on grampa, waiting for us to come home. he's had a late, late dinner, and is going to bed, not the hospital.

that late, i'm staying there, knowing my plans to go to one of six or seven car shows is blown. funny how easily it is to know what and where is more important to be, and how often lately i have had to skip anticipated car shows. next year, they will always come around again. parents, are on a limited clock now, so priorities.

this morning, i was awakened around eight by my kid's dog, who is barking out the window of the next room. kid has left for work already.

figured he needed to go outside, and/or eat his food. i slipped on the top stair, but luckily had my hands on the rails for a change. i totally would have fallen on my ass, and broke something otherwise. must be a ghost tripping people in the house, right?

i intended to wait until my dad got up, see how he was doing before making a decision on heading home. better half needed/wanted to get out of the house and to the market.

dad came down the stairs on his little mobile stairs chair thing around noon. made him a deal: mom would call his doctor's office, tell them what's going on, and if they said he needed to go to the emergency room, he would go. he agreed, just said he wasn't going to make the call.

his doc is out of town for the weekend, so she talked to the other guy. had to tell the whole story all over again. both times i hear her just throw in at the end of the story that he'd fallen, might that have anything to do with this bleeding?

they end up agreeing to see the doctor on monday, since he is otherwise not having any other symptoms or pain. like moving a mountain. at least he'd agreed to go if they'd said to.

i was free to go. day half over. stop for lunch. freeway traffic sucks. made it home at almost four o'clock.

better half is out driving around somewhere. i'd suggested he hit up the santa fe springs swap meet, see if anyone is playing a concert. he seemed more inclined into going to fry's or guitar center. will probably end up at in-n-out, since it's open late. or, for all i know, he's just in the back of his car sleeping.

i don't know how tomorrow will go. it's already almost eleven pm. i want to go to a car show in the morning. there are several. i'm tired. pretty sure i will just go to the closest—up the street at the high school fundraiser.

better half needs to do some overtime for work, so i will also probably have to get to the supermarkets. hate shopping. oh well. priorities.

stay or go



there's a cruise tomorrow before the big game. i've been the last four or five years. it's a fun time, a good variety of cars drives through.

here's the thing; my better half can't go, which is a shame, cuz he likes this show. i've been to it on my own before, so that isn't the problem. i previously mentioned a few stitches; still have them for another week. doc did say i should be careful, and not to lift anything heavy.

now, i don't really consider my camera that heavy, but my better half probably does. that will probably make him strongly voice an opinion that i should not go. i mean seriously, if anything is heavy, it would be my ass, pushing up out of bed, off of chairs, etc.

not like i'm going to pop open and bleed out.

then the other thing is getting up at five and driving out there. just like a work day. i'll probably be awake anyway. it's just the thought of getting up that early on a sunday, that i like less and less the older i get.

and i'm down one camera. really hope the other one doesn't crap out on me. got them at the same time, and this one did start having the same symptoms last week. crossing my fingers.

pretty buick out at pomona last month. was so candy red and shiny. the sun coming up, the light grabbed it and started it glowing.

early bird gets...

1956 chevrolet bel air

1956 chevrolet bel air

...the shot.

one more for today. for the one guy that came over to talk to me briefly, and pointed out his car and one next to it...his brother's or cousin's, i can't remember. i suppose i should put that one up too.

it was a spectacular sunrise, so this shot was more interesting than the other direction. didn't quite catch the slightly earlier, more reddish and colorful sky, as i couldn't find and decide on a single car in a good position to catch it in time.

back in black

1959 cadillac coupe de ville

1959 cadillac coupe de ville

made it out to pomona this morning. after the hike in from the parking lot, i probably only shot for a couple of hours. first time out in a few months, and i was getting exasperated by the people walking through my shots, and just the fact of the pomona swap meet—so many cars, on the move and parked together, ebb and flow of people. it gets overwhelming and boring at some point.

it was a good two hours to bang out some crap pictures, and remember what i used to do. kick start how to 'see' again, mostly anonymously. no one really bothered me.

better half had gone with me, to make sure i was ok, i think. he brought his camera bag with him, but mostly just shot the sunrise, before calling it a day. it was a really nice sunrise, i'll give him that.

got somewhat frustrated after the sun came up, when i wanted to shoot some details, but my second camera is having issues and giving me card errors. finally brought out the a6000, but the lens isn't what i wanted to use, so promptly sacked that one. guess i'll have to send it in for repair, since it's relatively new, and it doesn't seem to be a card issue.

this was the last car i shot, before calling my better half to see where he had wandered off to. he had been hungry earlier, so i assumed he'd gone to eat, and wander the aisles of parts. turns out, he hadn't eaten, and decided the pavement on the aisles was too rough for one of his cameras bouncing around in the bag, with it's delicate sensor.

so i said, i'd had enough, and we left to find breakfast/lunch on the way home.

my favorite end of this cadillac, with the great fins, and dual bullet lights. there was a woman sitting just off to the right end of the car, and her legs kept getting in the shot. so screw her, cropped it to the essential bit of the car. more interesting this way, anyhow.


1954 chevrolet

back to the grind, after a long weekend. i'd rather go back to the weekend, or farther back in time, or to some future point.

the current reality at home, is a minefield, and the only escape is through it, one day at a time. i have been trying to rest up, as my turn will be coming soon enough, to step up and give someone a break before they snap. there has to be a way to get some outside help, but it's not my place in this situation, so my ignorance continues.

meanwhile, i still have my pictures to get lost in. saw that the pomona swap meet is coming up this weekend. probably won't make it, but i do have some pics from past meets, like this one. 

really, to get the best pictures there, you have to be there when the gates open at five in the morning, before the sun comes up. fewer people, fewer cars. by the time you park and get over to the show cars, the sun is coming up, and the light is warm and beautiful.

down low, i caught the light bouncing up and making the interior glow. 

dead president's day

1946 chevy fleetline

had things i absolutely had to do today. different circumstances would have had me at la puente park, shooting cars, of course, but things were 'beyond my control,' so i wasn't.

this weekend was sort of messed up, and it's almost over. holiday weekend blew by. thinking i might have to reschedule a vacation, which kinda sucks, or see if my bro wants to go somewhere, which could be fun.

made it to one show, but this shot is from last month's pomona swap meet. just liked the mood of it for some reason. it spoke to me, and said post me, so i did.

i got nuthin really to talk about, and it's back to work tomorrow, so i should probably end it here.

takin' it easy

1951 chevy truck

raining again, very hard at times. didn't stop up from walking uptown to see a movie this morning. was that or continue sifting through papers for my taxes. ya, no thanks. annual PITA. i still have a few weeks to figure that out.

spent a couple of hours making waikiki meatballs. had a craving last week, but didn't get to the market. so now that i'm fed, i can decide whether to stay in whittier tonight, or make the trip to my mom's, while the rain has let up, to be closer to work in the morning.

kinda don't feel like packing a bag. i could play with another picture. avoid thinking about the week ahead, the deadlines, the traffic, the rain.

here's a sunny bright truck, to warm your heart, to reminisce on shows of summer and the heat. <screeching halt> no, i prefer the cold; the truck is pretty nice tho'.

works for me

1937 chevy

1937 chevy

better half was with me yesterday morning at pomona. i asked him what settings he was using before the sun came up. been a while since i've shot in the dark, so i forget what i've done before.

he said change the aperture, watch the histogram, adjust the exposure so it's less than thirty seconds. do fewer shots. i listened. then did my own thing anyway. it aggravates him to no end sometimes, but i do ok anyway.

black car under a dark sky. this one was off on it's own, and the owners were already off shopping in the swapmeet area, i'm guessing. it was cold. not so many cars were driving into the show area this early, so i could stay with my longer exposures. i took my chances with whatever or whoever might walk through the shots, but they would just be blurs.

i did tweak my settings a little bit, but not as much as i could have. i still got something usable out of it, i think.

wishin’ i had enough cash

1948 chevy fleetline

1948 chevy fleetline

got up early for a sunday, and drove out to pomona. happily, i have tomorrow off for the mlk holiday. i haven't yet taken a nap, and my head is starting to reel.

we arrived just around five a.m., and got a fairly close parking spot. was about forty degrees this morning, but we had a couple of layers of jackets and coats, that we would later take back to the car, when the temps hit the sixties.

the sun was still down, and the cars were few when we got over to the show area. bridgetown oldies showed up right on time, and got their usual spots by the bleachers. i went from here to there, in no particular order, depending on the lighting, angle, people and traffic behind the cars.

saw this lovely over by the fencing, when i went to the other side of the fence to shoot that car in the background. came back around after, when the light was hitting it nicely, to take a few shots. i liked this one best. 

the car is for sale, btw. if only i had the money...

better half had things to do, so we had to head out by eleven. weather was perfect, or i would have stayed longer. maybe next month.