what's up?

chicano park

busy weekend, but fun. tired now, so i'll be brief.

even better, my better half got to go with me. his sister got out of the hospital, and she was well enough to take care of their mom.


we got to the park around five-thirty in the morning. there were already cars lined up in staging to go into the park. so we decided to go over by the stage thing and unpack our cameras on the steps. within a minute of unzipping the camera bags, we were approached by an older woman who wanted to know who we were with, what were we doing...etc. we simply said we were just unpacking our cameras to take some pictures. she said the whole park is reserved for an event, they were setting up and that we had to leave. we replied that we were here for said event, and repeated we were just unpacking. she persisted, so whatever, we'll move somewhere else and unpack and do exactly what we planned anyway...to go back over to where they were staging the cars.

honestly, there wasn't anything or anyone there on that piece of the park, and we weren't intending to get in the way even if there had been. going to bite my tongue here, because i like the show, and want to go back again next year, but get a grip. even the cop in the car in a neaby parking lot wasn't going to bother us. hope she had a nice day. 


took so many pictures. the weather turned out to be perfect, overcast with bouts of sunshine. never really needed a jacket, even so early in the morning. i liked this picture because it seemed to represent the show and location well.


and as we left the show for the day, i was waiting to cross the street, when my better half started laughing. i turned around and he pointed at this painting. and OMG, it was the lady who had told us to leave in the first place. took some searching, but i've figured out who she is, and why she had the authority to ask us to leave. we still found it funny that we started the day with her and here she was again, on our way out...

maybe a doctor can remove them?

i had carried my camera bag with me for a couple of days this week. drove over to chik-fil-a on tuesday after work, took a stroll around the lot, but didn't even take my bag out of the car. oh well. probably was too early, but i haven't seen anything there like they used to get at the fuddruckers location. is it the location or the people running it?

wednesday, the traffic was moving pretty well, so i drove up to the broiler. it's a lot different feel than a couple of years ago. not as much there, the back exit is blocked off. looks like one of the local car dealers parks some cars back there. and that's where the low rider guys go as well, back in the darker parts of the lot. probably better that way. they don't come across as the friendlier types, and seem to care less about people seeing their rides than they do for hanging out and smoking skunk.

trying out a new camera bag my better half got me for valentine's day. nice bag. just not sure it's very practical for car shows. i'll have to try it a few more times before i can say one way or another. good for travel on a plane in the overhead. ya, that's it—a good excuse to fly somewhere, to test if it's travel worthy.

anyway, i took a few pictures in the hour i was there. saw a few people i haven't seen in a while. sorry if i was a bit abrupt. i haven't been out much, and have had a long week at work, even by hump day.

i liked this old car when i first saw it, but by the time i got around to shooting it, it had broken out in homies. and machine guns. i don't get it. but then, i don't get my mom's fondness for dolls either. but why put them all over the hood? bad enough when they are parked in front and back, but this is just overkill. i think i'll pass these cars by from now on. just showing this one because i liked the light on it.

i sure enough would like to knock them off there, but this is how it was, so there you go. maybe i should have just shot the hood ornament...

i think its beautiful

1936 dodge

1936 dodge

made it out to the oldies san fernando car show today. been waiting all year, since attending the last one, when we'd driven out there and were happily satisfied by how many cars were there. unfortunately, my better half, who has been getting over pneumonia, had to bail on accompanying me at the last minute, after a particularly bad coughing bout. thinks he strained a muscle or had a back spasm, and didn't think he'd do very well hauling his camera around in the heat, but not hurt enough that i should stay home and take him to a doctor.

i arrived about an hour before the official opening time. parked around the corner, and walked past the line of cars still pouring in to the show. i wasn't sure if they'd let me in so early, and was resigned to having to sit for an hour watching the cars go through the gate, but the guy letting the cars in noticed me standing there, and said i could go on in, as long as i paid the entrance fee. the show is for the benefit of the school and the football team, so i don't have a problem with it, and had expected to pay anyway. promised the guy i'd stay out of the way, so thank you to the guy at the gate for letting me get an earlier start.

was still overcast for about an hour, so i hurried to shoot what i could. thought it would be best to get to the cars parked on the asphalt earlier, to avoid getting too baked later. glad i brought my hat with me, as i'd forgotten my sunscreen. didn't get too fried, and it was lovely in the shade, with a cool breeze most of the time.

i will say this is an awesome show. well attended, and well organized. people came with good attitudes, and for the most part, quite friendly. they'd even opened an additional lot for cars to park under the solar panels for shade, which had been under construction last year. i made it through the back lots, which i'd had to skip last year because we'd brought the nephew, who can't take the heat even more than i can't. i'll definitely try to make it there again next year.

so many cars to choose from. so i'll start as usual, with one belonging to someone who bothered to chat with me for a few minutes.

the owner of this dodge, told me it was the only one of that year there, and of course, i forgot to type it in my phone, so let's just call it a '36, until he drops me an email to correct me. i want to say he was wearing an oldies car club shirt, but this other dude is photo bombing my shot advertising his car club. actually, i've shot pictures of one of their cars before, come to think of it.

anyway, the owner seemed kind of ashamed of its condition, but said it was all original. he'd bought it from the daughter of the original owner. i think it is just as wonderful as any of the other cars out there, imperfections and all.

***the dog is asleep, in case you were wondering. i'll be paying for it later, when it's my turn to sleep.***

mirror finish

1937 dodge sedan

i went to a few shows on super bowl sunday. found this at super cruise x in garden grove. first i'd heard of it, but was told by two different people that they've done it for ten years now, every super bowl sunday. 

almost didn't go, thinking not much would be there, but the guy that gave me a flyer earlier in the week claimed there would be several hundred cars there. and i suppose there was. i got there a couple of hours into it, and stayed less than an hour. only because it was hot and there wasn't a lot of shade on the asphalt were one would want to take pictures from.

this one is a dukes car, parked in front of a business flying a dukes banner, flanked by dukes cars. they're all perfection in their own way. took a couple of shots down low and one at normal level. i like the normal one, but it shows too much of the surrounding industrial buildings and people and cars and other distractions, and this lower one shows off the hood ornament so nicely, and the sheer mirror perfection of the door just makes me happy. ended up flipping a coin to which to post, so here you go.

no show

1957 dodge sierra spectator

so the year is going out in a whimper. drove over to the viejitos show this afternoon. a block away were some of those look at me, look at me, small package guys with their new big ass trucks, with doors that open upward, hoods that flip up and all their blingy stupidness.

drove past. they were in the lot i usually park in. thought maybe they might be overflow from the show. but no, where the nice cars were supposed to be, nothin. well, there was one viejito, seemingly just arrived, climbing out of his nice old truck. perhaps he was as mystified as we were as to where everyone was. we kept going, but probably should have stopped and shot his truck just for the heck of it. i suppose it was cancelled for the holidays, and the weather...cold and windy. didn't think/realize it was supposed to rain.

we weren't far from disneyland, so stopped there to pick up some of the sourdough bread for my mother-in-law. wasn't as crowded as you'd have thought, but busy enough we weren't going to stand in the soup line. fortunately, they have a cart outside, that they were just opening for the day, and got some there.

the skies were looking increasingly gray, so we decided to skip eating there, and headed for the little sandwich shop hiding in the hotel there. no long line in there. as we sat down to eat, it started pouring rain outside.

by the time we finished, it had mostly stopped, and we headed directly to the car. sprinkled a little on the way home.

so it sucked that there was no show, but my better half reminded me that i didn't really have space for more pics anyway. but i would have shot them anyway.


i haven't decided yet whether to drive in to work tomorrow, or work from home, now that i've been enabled to do so, thanks to the IT department. pretty sure i'd be one of the few in the office, as i was last week. it was nice and quiet, even with the few other die hards working in offices elsewhere sending me work. i can think of only one person who might send me something to work on, and after that, there'd be no one to approve it, so really, wondering what to do.

probably the clincher will be the weather. if its raining, i'd be less inclined to drive in, and then fight the traffic coming home.


found this car at one of the summer shows out at enderle. i'd never seen one before, so of course i had to shoot it. interesting tail lights, i think.


oh ya, for christmas, i gave a few people a small book of hood ornaments i've shot over the last couple of years. a few have asked for copies for their friends. if you're interested, i've put it up for sale here, or you can preview a few pages from it anyway. no words, and i kept it simple. thought i'd let the images do their own talking. there's a small book of flowers, if that's your thang as well.

which way to in-and-out?

1955 dodge custom royal

another weird summer here in so cal. when i was a kid, it would be hotter than h-e-double hockey sticks by may. the last few summers have been relatively mild, compared to the rest of the country. it's almost july, and really, i've had to drive all the way to riverside to find some real heat.

this one was a couple of weeks ago, overcast, but not raining. can't remember if the gloom burned off in the afternoon or not. great weather for shooting cars without harsh shadows. only spent an hour here before going into work on a sunday afternoon.

didn't notice at the time, but i like how i caught the reflection of nearby palm trees on the car. makes me think of the drink cups at in-n-out, with the little palm trees, and i almost want to look under the car for the john 3:16 they hide on the bottom rim of the cups.

blue velvet

1948 dodge

can you not see why rainy days make for the bestest images? look at that sky. and that the sun is muted like a big soft box, killing off harsh reflections.

i take pictures of the cars as i find them, but there are times like this, i wish i could move some of that background crap out of the way...it's cluttering up a perfectly fine car picture.

check out the airbrushed picture on the visor of this dodge. skelly banditos. :)

1948 dodge


1955 dodge wagon

spent the weekend hanging out in riverside. my son's last season playing baseball (unless he gets drafted) is gearing up. watched his team play some practice games.

of course, i had to check for any car shows in the area. unfortunately, the grand national show was out in pomona, so i think a lot of shows were sucked dry by that one.

found this one a decent size show in norco at the big boy. don't recall having one of these in my digital garage, so i shot several of it. the owner even offered to close the back window for me, then fussed over how he'd gotten fingerprints on it, so he had to polish those off. thanks for that. they probably would have shown up from this angle.

the telephone pole and wires sort of bother me, but not enough to remove them from the shot...i'm tired, and they were really there after all. it is what it is.

anyway, big lot, and about 100 cars there. probably go again, should i happen to be in the area. gotta get some sleep...back to the grind tomorrow.

charge it

1972 dodge charger

i'll throw this one in, though it's not my typical, and it's not my fav. and i won't even mention what the paint color reminds me of, you can form your own opinion.

but sometimes, i feel that maybe i'm in a rut, or just getting jaded, so i thought maybe once in a while i'll shoot something different. different is usually a landscape or flowers, but they don't really fit in here, so here's the something different for my virtual parking garage.

there were a few other chargers on the other side of the street, but i didn't like the way the light was hitting them, and a couple had the hoods up, so no go on those.

i think it was the length of the front end on this and the reflection of the trees and sky that made me pick this particular something else. i know it isn't starsky and hutch's ride, but definitely getting into that time period.