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impala this

1959 chevy impala

i've got so many pictures of cars, sometimes its just hard to pick one. finally settled on an old standby...a '59 impala. just love the curves from the back end of these cars. i can't help it. 

i have shot this same car a lot the past few years at various shows. this was at the unidos show at walnut high school. was hot out. low turn out because of a parts show out at pomona fairgrounds the same day and time. here because one of their guys had sent a flyer to me via my better half, as often happens. i do try to make it to the shows when they go out of their way to get me a flyer.

have really had a crazy couple of weeks work and family wise, so haven't been able to post so much. it's my zen time to take and play with my pictures, and i do miss it when i can't do it. i gotta try and get out to more shows like i used to, but there has just been so little free time lately...