coe truck
i've been working too many hours this week. the extra hours should be ending about tomorrow.
i've missed playing with my pictures. slept in late both days this weekend. didn't bother with the grand nationals...big show, too many people; i just have never gone to that one. i am enjoying seeing everyone else's pictures.
xmas tree came down today. better half's mom finally said it was time. what a pita...so many lights they put on the branches...i helped until i got a headache...hadn't had lunch yet.
waiting to go to the super cruise next week. on my little bro's birthday. too bad he moved to the other side of the states. guess i could make a cake and we could face time it to him, show him how much we're enjoying his bday cake. that might be too mean.
guess i'll spend the rest of today watching the clouds and sifting through pictures to post. rained very hard earlier, but looks like the clouds have blown away. planes are still flying pretty low, on their way to lax...must be pretty windy up there.