1954 chevrolet bel air

my better half needed to take his mom out for a little shopping at hobby lobby yesterday. she rarely goes out, and when she does, he makes it a priority to get her where she wants to go.
closest one of those crafty stores around here is over in west covina. well that's convenient—there happened to be a trunk n treat show hosted by the los angeles bombs starting up in the afternoon, not too far away. hadn't completely decided against going on my own, but since they were headed that way, figured i'd hitch a ride and shoot a few pictures while they took off and shopped.
his mom was ready to go about one-thirtyish. my problem was roll-in really wasn't advertised to start until three. factor in the horrible traffic that backs up the ten freeway, it would put me in the parking lot about two-thirtyish. we chose to avoid traffic, and do surface streets, which still got us there about the same time, but at least we were moving, not sitting in traffic.
vendors were still setting up, but there were at least a couple of cars i could start with. wasn't sure how much time i would have before they would be back to get me. was pretty sure more cars would start showing up than i would have time to shoot. and they did.
took a bunch of pictures in the lot, then during a lull in incoming cars, noticed a couple outside, or just at the edge of the taped off area. wandered over to take a few of this bel air.
was admiring it and the color, when the owner walked up behind me, munching on what looked like a breakfast burrito. i asked him why he'd parked out here instead of in with the rest of the cars. he said he'd just been passing by and saw the show. stopped to check it out. said he'd seen a flyer, but had forgotten about it happening that day.
not long after, my better half let me know they were on their way back for me. i headed back to the main area, and took a few more shots. some guys letting me know more of their cars were coming, so i could shoot those cars too. too late. better half arrived, and i had to leave.
saw lots more cars coming in as we left. also saw that this one had decided to join in, and was driving through the entry way, past the vendors. hope he won one of the trophies.
better half isn't feeling good today, so we skipped going to the pomona swap meet. i'm thinking i'll wait a bit, for high noon sun to pass, then head over to the cruise at legg lake.