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1948 chevy fleetmaster

1948 chevy fleetmaster

as i was walking uptown to get a quick dinner, i had a thought bounce around my head. i haven't been to many car shows lately because i haven't been feeling good. should i really be thinking, i'm not feeling good because i haven't been to many car shows lately?

also, i've had to go to the market and drugstores a few times this past week. i don't feel the need to park as close as possible to the store doors.

i am finding it somewhat thrilling to walk the parking lot slalom: the midday heat has people sitting in their cars, motors running, air conditioning on. the exciting part is guessing which cars are actually going to back up on you, and which are just lazy a-holes waiting on significant others to walk the short distance from the store entrance.

the store would be far more cool, and your engine wouldn't have to work so hard, if you just get out of your dang car.

sold one of my fair pictures. i don't make money off of them when they do sell at the fair. i prefer to let them go at cost and enjoyed, than to have them piling up in storage. or only enter pictures i wouldn't mind having on my wall. but then, i do...i just don't have enough wall.

someone asked if i'd taken a picture of this convertible, after they'd seen it in the distance of another shot. yes i did, so i dug it up for them. pretty sure i've posted from other shows in the past.