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1948 chevy

1948 chevy

hiding out at my condo, rain pounding, checking to see if there are any leaks in the roof. kid has been here off and on the past week packing her things finally. place seems somehow deflated the emptier it gets, but i will better see what needs doing, fixing, replacing without all the stuff in the way.

last rainy thanksgiving i can remember was in the early eighties, the year my sister got married.

my ear is aching and my eye is puffy and itchy. wondering what new problems await me to finish out the year.

turkey day. time for reminders from last year’s memories of my dad’s last year.

he’d just gotten out of a month-long stay in a hospital the day before thanksgiving. was super tired and only came downstairs to the dinner table last minute, and sat at my mom’s seat instead of his place at the far end. didn’t eat much, went back to bed early.

pretty sure my mom has set one extra place, not just for symmetry in place settings.


here’s a chevy from last year. a con stilo club picnic, at a park not far from the house, on a cloudy day. small lot of cars, shot most of them before i had to leave. wonder if this car still looks like this, or if it was a work in progress.