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chilly tips

1946 chevrolet fleetline

1946 chevrolet fleetline

hauled my ass out of bed at four am today, and got over to pomona about a quarter after five. strangely, no traffic, no waiting at the gate to get into the parking lot. almost thought i had the wrong date or that it had been cancelled.

got a fairly close to the fence parking spot, and noticed others with their little wagons, so i knew i was in the right place at the right time.

strangely, once inside, the cars were few and far between all the way over to the bleachers. really weird, since the place is usually packed that early. no cash left after xmas? too cold?

well, i was still fine—fewer cars and people cruising through my early shots. first time out in almost a month, and didn’t really feel up to talking to anyone. wore a thin hoodie jacket, which was fine when i was moving, but got a little bit chilly waiting for long exposures until the sun came up.

saw a group worshipping at the foot of the old man, waved, and went back later to shoot his car.

someone did come over and ask if i was the one that posts on instagram…sorry if i seemed a little slow on the uptake. he pulled me out of zone or whatever. should have handed him a card.

this car was sitting off by itself, a little too close to the cheap barriers, so they cast shadows on the side of the car. all the different light sources, make the shadows bounce around in weird directions.