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thou art very plain

1926 ford model t

this pretty little model t was at the broiler last week. it’s old, but looks so new. aside from the chrome wheels, the young whippersnapper cars next to it, and the modern location, it looks as it has driven from an older, simpler time. i like that they have not jazzed it up or overcustomized it. just a classic look. even if i have to squint past those wheels.

oldies but goodies

1926 ford model t

finally made it out to the foothill ranch show yesterday. quite a few cars that i've seen before, more that i haven't. overall not that big of a showing for a once-a-month thing. anyway, i enjoyed myself and everyone was either friendly or indifferent.

the couple that owned this car came right over to talk with me. they'd seen me before at a couple of other shows, and had lost the scrap of paper that had the link to my website on it. damn, i really need to spend an afternoon setting up a business card and ordering them...i'd just rather spend the time working on a picture. :)

i admit, you'd have to introduce yourself to me a couple of times before i remember you—i'm more likely to remember your car and which show i saw it at if i took a picture of it.

well, since they asked and were very enthusiastic about my portfolio, and apparently i had shown them the previous shots in the camera, here is the shot from yesterday, and what do you two think? i do have a couple of other shots from a previous show, just haven't gotten around to doing anything with them yet, and thought maybe this one was more interesting anyway.

oh how does it get so late...i stayed at work too late today. night!