what's up?

el canas, again

el canas

ok, throwing you a bone. the owner of this car has joked with me for several years now. ran into him yesterday at ruby's, on a brief break from the dog. i've posted it and his other car a couple of times before, but its been a while.

he confessed to occasionally spending/wasting a couple hours at a time reading my blog. had mentioned that i hadn't been posting much lately, which leads me to wonder how closely he's been reading, as i've mentioned several times that i have become enslaved to a very large puppy for a month and a half.

anyway, i've had this picture of his truck from a hooters show sitting in my to-do collection for a while, so i might as well show it to him now. we'll see if he comments next time i see him...

it's a nice truck, always very clean. here it sits with another car from his club, the wolves. i suppose if he didn't talk to me so much, i would've stopped shooting pictures of it by now, as it really has very simple, plain lines. but i do like how the paint picks up reflections, which is why i sometimes do shoot these types of vehicles.

and in case you were wondering, i've worn the dog out today with three long walks so far, so he's been sleeping at my feet for a while. gonna have to take him on another long walk or two before bed, and my foot is kinda aching already. i really slow him down. three more weeks until the kid comes home...i've been counting down the days since he left.

ok, i guess i better work on a couple of other projects while the hairy child is still sleeping.

mr pig

ford hot rod

found this over at hooters a couple of months ago. probably wouldn't have taken the shot, except i noticed the little decoration on the engine, or rather the air filter cover. other than that, this is a pretty generic bucket.



got busted by the doctor, who knew i'd been walking too much by the look of the cyborg boot. almost was free to go, when he happened to push on the wrong place on my foot. yep, another shot of courage into the foot. this time, a needle that looked a mile long, and deeper into my foot. hurt like a bitch.

promised to keep off the foot as much as possible. kinda putting a damper on going to car shows. but this weekend is the show at chicano park and also the annual show in orange plaza, neither of which i've been to before. i think i can do one or the other, but not both. better half is going to insist on going and pulling my bag around. maybe i can talk him into helping me up, if i want to take a low shot.

shadow firmly sewn to my shoes

1939 ford

so a little bit about my weekend, over the next couple of posts. i think i'll go backwards, since i took so many pictures at several shows.

this one is from sunday. i thought about it in the morning: i could have legitimately hit up five shows in one day easily, but decided to stay put in the morning; then off to two shows, and took a late lunch break at disneyland before cruising over to hooters, on my way home to do some laundry. so i only did three shows. good enough.

there was a ducks game sunday evening, so there were people collecting cash to park in the lot. but i was there for the car show, said so, and i guess i don't look like a hockey fan, so they let me through. i had been there the week before, and there were about a 100 cars up at the front, according to the promoter/dj guy. this time they'd been pushed to the back three rows. 

i stayed about an hour, but there really only seemed to be about thirty cars, but i wasn't particularly counting, so what do i know?

i talked to several people, and saw some familiar faces. even a few of the latin gents, whom i'd seen earlier in the day at the viejitos show—which was absolutely packed and jammed with chevy goodness—but that's a story for another day.

the guy that owns this ford watched me shooting for a while, his and other cars, but finally came over to chat a bit. said he loved to see pictures of his car. so, here is my version of it for your consideration.

ya, that's me. peter pan's shadow didn't get away, but at least it's mostly out of the way. 

...on my shoulder

1956 chevy truck

quick post. long day for a holiday. drove to pasadena, drove to norco, drove back home. traffic sucked, but not as much as it will tomorrow.

was awfully clear and sunny, considering that its supposed to rain tomorrow. not hauling my cameras with me, assuming that will be the case by the time i get off work.

yes, i did drive out to east jesus nowhere today. took a number of pictures. but just couldn't decide which to post, so i'll throw up this truck from yesterday at hooters.

i had wanted to catch the sunset, but upon arriving there, realized the show is mostly hidden behind a tall office building. there were bits of sun on the edges, like this piece here. but i was done with the show before the sun went completely down, and i got too cold from the wind and not wearing a jacket.

aside from the sun and the sunburst, i liked the color, and mostly that the hood was closed. thanks for that, as always.


work in progress

winter is a time of desolation and cold. a time of sleep and anticipation. less sunlight. 

pfft. it was in the 80s yesterday. tomorrow maybe 65°, followed by rain tuesday and wednesday. california is just a confusing place. seasons are all screwy here. but i don't think i could ever go back east to live anymore, though it might be fun for one year.

but then, i wouldn't have so many choices of car shows to visit anywhere else either. i would truly have to hoard up cars for the winter if i lived anywhere else.

well, i'm no squirrel, though i may be nuts, and i already have so many cars to choose from in my digital garage, i sometimes wonder why i keep looking for more.

i saw this one pulling in last weekend in lakewood as i was packing up to leave. the primer covered ghost. i hadn't gotten a shot of it then. i figure that many of the cars i see at the smaller shows i frequent, eventually will be back. or i will find it at another show. or i will be haunted by them, as i drive down city streets, and often see stuff driving the other way. here it is a week later, at the hooters show in anaheim. glad to have given this show another try. there were plenty of cars to look at, a plethora if you'd prefer.

i imagine in the spring and summer, this location is a bitch to get to and/or park at, being in the backyard of anaheim stadium and down the street from the pond/honda center. 

not sure if it is any one particular model of car, or chopped up pieces of things. i kinda think its something of a '48 chevy or so. i guess i could have asked the owner, who was hovering around nearby (not literally, or he would be the ghost). he never said a word, and eventually went somewhere else. this was my favorite of the shots i took. no people walking through, no posts sticking out randomly. the bare, stripped down trees, behind the bare, stripped down car. makes me look forward to the spring, and seeing this car again, as they continue to work it up, to a spring of its own. i suspect it may take a bit longer than it will for the trees.


1949 chevrolet deluxe

so i was stuck at home all day on saturday because my car was in for service at the dealer's, and was without a computer to play with since thursday (long story, don't ask).

i got to the show at hooter's in el toro this morning. it was almost too warm to enjoy save for the cool breeze. i'm trying to horde up on pictures now, before summer really gets cookin' – i want to have plenty to work on during the hottest months, when i think i'll confine myself to evening shows.

while there were quite a few cars there, most already had their hoods up by 10:30 a.m.; you already know my opinion on that score. there were not so many of the older cars that i like, so i didn't stay too long. this pair of very nice oldies could very well have sat in the same lot way back when they were brand new.

the 1949 cheverolet deluxe is for sale, and i have the number if anyone wants it; the '48 plymouth special deluxe on the right was in pretty good condition too, but not for sale. parked next to the three decades of corvettes further down, i think this pair was far more interesting to look at and photograph – i used to want a corvette, so don't get me wrong, they're nice, but i'm kinda over them now.

out of curiousity, what is the difference between deluxe and special deluxe anyway? is it like the difference between a double-double and a double-double animal style? just that little something extra?

hot as i wanna be

hot rod

i see this car at a few shows almost every week. finally got a shot that i like. would have been better if the hoods were down on the other cars, but oh well. not gonna ask them to close them because they're ruining the picture of this other car, especially since i didn't take pictures of those two. hoods up, cameras down.

guessing by the radiator that it's a 1929 ford model a roadster. i like the reflection in the window. just now noticed it while writing this post. yes, there were hooters girls milling about, serving drinks and food to the participants, and posing for pictures.

check out my husband's version from the broiler in downey here.



ok, this nomad was freakin' pristine. even better that i made the owner nervous—though i was several feet from his car, he was afraid of my gear touching his baby. as if i want to bump any car—guess who'd get to pay for any damage? errr. well, there was a power cord running behind his car, but i stayed off of it. almost didn't want to bother taking a picture of it after that.

strange how he worried about me scratching his baby, when i later saw his toddler kid crawling around inside and beside it. doesn't he know that children are more hazardous to a vehicle than little old me and my tripod? i speak from experience...whatever.

this one's for you

37 plymouth 4 door

well, i checked out the show at hooter's, el toro today. maybe i didn't stay late enough, but there didn't really seem to be that many cars. small collection of pt cruisers all spiffed up, which really isn't my bag, but there were enough of the classics to satisfy.

i recognized quite a few cars from other shows—even one from downey. actually glad to see them at different times of the day—different light, different look for the same car.

i recognized the color and the grill of this plymouth as soon as i got there, from one of the fuddrucker's shows i've been to before, being such an unusual shade of red raspberry purple. i happened to have a little close up picture of his grill with me, and handed it to the owner, who happened to be nearby. he seemed very appreciative, and even said he'd been checking out my website, though i've never talked to him before. word must be getting around, i guess. glad its a good word.