1956 pontiac wagon
yes, i went to the imperials show this morning. yes, i took a lot of pictures. yes, i have filled my hard drive to the point that i cannot do anything at the moment. typical. takes about six months to fill the internal drive, and now its seven. imagine if i'd gotten out more, like i used to, i'd have had this problem a lot sooner.
so, i am doing some shuffling of files to various backup drives at the moment. will have to wait until later to really get a good look at what i shot today. maybe it will go faster and without a hitch, than i think it will; or i will overwrite files i shouldn't. it is the most dangerous part of taking so many images—their fates literally depending on a length of wire and an external box of whizzing, whirring, electronics.
not sure which is more reassuring: the old rolls of film and print hard copies, or the ability to backup without loss of quality, zillions of images, that may never be seen, save by my better half and/or his mom. then where to store all of these black boxes, much less worry about what happens to them when i am gone. my kids won't necessarily give a rat's ass about them, aside from family pics. well, i won't be around to care.
here is art's car from the bombs magazine show a couple of weeks ago. no one was hanging in their pop tent at the time, so took the shot, and kept moving on.
time to move some more files...