what's up?

ditman and first

1954 chevrolet 3100 truck

the owner of this truck stopped me up the street and asked if i'd shot it and where he would be able to see pics. i hadn't been there long, so no, i hadn't at that point. i asked which car was his and got "the black truck down there," as he abstractly waved his hand toward the street.

so i'm assuming this black truck was his, since it was parked with the other bomb club cars and he happened to be wearing a bomb club shirt. there were other trucks up there in the vagueness he'd motioned to, but i don't think there happened to be another black one nearby.

i don't always take a shot just because they ask. depends on the person. some just assume i will. ask nicely and/or have a nice car parked in an interesting spot. he lucked out on all counts.

the car was clean. i liked the details.

was out of town this weekend, and had hoped for rain. didn't take my camera with me. woke up to a bright, sunny day. fine, as there weren't any shows going on where we were, and if no one tells me about one i missed it will be like it didn't happen, right?

gas cap1954 chevy truck dashboard

bomb club plaque1954 chevrolet hood ornament

nash it up

1948 nash

1948 nash hood ornament1948 nash emblem

another quick one. again. tired.

to avoid posting yet another truck, thought i'd post this one. he didn't actually talk to me directly; he talked to my better half, who had taken a picture of it at the bomb club show that i didn't make it to a couple of months ago. pretty sure i've seen it before, and if i did a search of my files, i'd probably find it.

i liked the hood ornament and the emblem on the front, with it's slight pitted imperfection.

east first

1953 chevy truck

someone gave me a flyer for the old memories east la show out on first street. kinda wished we had gotten up and out earlier, because it turned out to be more than we expected. the veterans celebration took up four or five blocks of the street and included a stage and music.

lucked out and got parking fairly close and headed out to the end of the street and unpacked. first block on one side was taken up with bomb club cars. i've seen some of them before. several of the guys stopped to talk to me, so lucky you, i'll start with your cars.

getting late, so i'll just quickly start with another truck, since i think the owner was the first one to say hey. i think the shot from the other side was maybe the better view, but the sun had gotten too high, and my shadow was too close to the car, as was anyone who was walking behind me, so here it is from the other side.

happy that there some smallish clouds in the sky, they always make a better picture. better than the plain blue that is more typical, and they reflect so well in the polished slates that are the hoods of the cars.

1953 chevy truck ornament

give thanks

fire truck

ya, i know it's not vintage. but it was at the ruby's car show. thanksgiving in a couple of days, so i just thought it would be fitting to show the fire department some love too.

not quite sure what station this puppy comes from, but it happened to be out on the edge of the show, with no fire boys around, so i took a shot. don't know why i don't shoot them when i see them, except i'm shy, and well, i just don't.

the boys in the big red trucks are usually the first to show up when you have an emergency, so give'em a big thank you next time you see them.

and if you asked my better half about his favorite story of fire boys and me, he'd tell you the one about a lady apparently having a heart attack at an in-n-out burger. all those guys there to help looked they could have jumped off one of those calendars; well, except for that last guy that came in...meh. anyway, he'd say that i would've thrown myself on the floor and whine about a pain in my chest too...must be confusing me with his cousin–she's the one who actually used to go out with those guys.