what's up?


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i went out for a few hours to the toy drive at dolphin park.

i expect a lot of people were at mooneyes xmas party. never been there, wouldn’t know where to park, didn’t feel like getting up that early, and also, too many people.

my younger brother, on the east coast, had gone into the hospital the night before. needed his gallbladder out, but no surgeons were available. so about the time i was wandering around the park, they’d finally got him in to have it removed.

so really, the show was just a distraction.

today, he seems to be in and out of icu, having some unidentified complications. i’ve offered to fly out there to give her a break, but his wife has sort of said not needed yet.

yet her updates seem to be getting more unsettling. i’m about ready to book a flight, but my mom says i should wait for test results. so i’ll just sit here and pretend that it isn’t bothering me, and putter around with my pictures, and watching my mother-in-law while my better half is out shopping.

so, here’s a chevy from yesterday. i heard there were about a hundred cars that had come through or were parked in the lot. admittedly, i didn’t expect to see so many, cuz, mooneyes.

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i’d also never been to this park. not so very big. parked down the street, around the corner. wondered where they’d put the cars earlier in the year for a show there as well.

this chevy was one of the first few i encountered on the edge of the park, under the trees. i do love how trees can frame a car.


well, i made it to the majestics easter show over in lakewood. just didn't get moving early enough to justify paying to get in at pomona.

while i knew this show was going to pull in a lot of the low rider, newer cars i'm not that interested in, i also knew they would get some nice oldies in too. i did shoot a few of the more notable low riders, and maybe i'll post them sometime, just when i feel like something different. all i can say is they put a lot of money into those cars for the customized paint, hydraulics, chrome and engraving. and well damn. just damn.

i liked this one mostly because it parked screwy at an angle. i could get this view and a side view with no real problem. except for the club members on the other side hanging in the tent. they did finally move out of there by the time i took this shot; you can see them in the paint reflection standing behind me.

ran into a couple of people i see frequently at this show. that's always nice. luis said he was going to be at chicano park this saturday too...so that's one familar face i'll see there. wish my better half could go, but that probably isn't in the cards this time. so :(

still not loving this lens as much as the old one, and with chicano park coming up, i may just go around once with one lens then switch and go around again with the other, just to be sure i get something that makes me happy.