what's up?


there's a chevy under there: glitter, chrome, airbrush, pinstripe, reverse doily/lace, glass etching...i dunno...a bit much? interesting, but i don't know where to look first. sorry.

long day, so i'll bite my tongue and stop now.


family affair

i've seen this wagon at a couple of shows now. i liked where it was parked here at the broiler, in a sea of chevys. was hard to get a clean shot of it, as there seemed to constantly be people ogling it. just had to wait patiently, and shoot quick to get it. 

need a ladder to get the glitter/airbrushed roof i suppose. i do like the pinstripe curlies on it.


better half's birthday today. he doesn't want cake; pretty sure he wants pie... >:)


this one is interesting. guessing a '38 buick. the color combo really caught my eye. not sure the modern rims are really working, but they do match the color scheme.

saw it at the viejitos ela show at the broiler in august. such a good show. way too hot. wish there were more shows about this time of year, before the real possibility of rain, but sunny, cool and puffy clouds. way more tolerable.


got my car serviced yesterday, and it was sprinkling rain here and there, so skipped a show that may or may not have happened because of the weather. that, and once i got back home, didn't want to go back out, which is typical.

feeling like taking pictures today, but looking at the calendar, not much going on except small local shows. pretty much what i like best...fewer people in my way.

thinking of stopping by a monthly show in la habra, to see if it's bombs or hot rods. if hot rods or muscle cars, will probably just continue on by and get some shopping done. otherwise, there's always lakewood on a sunday afternoon — never know what will show up, but there's a costco there too.

anyone know if there's a show at the broiler this friday? i've heard about it, but haven't been.


a real hell of a month coming up health-wise. really hating getting stuck with needles. not looking forward to these tests, but want answers more, so i'll just practice bursts of profanities at work to prepare.


here's one from the summer, from the viejitos ela show, which i got way too busy to play with more shots. i'd spent the morning in chevy heaven in the back lot of the broiler. had gotten hot, so i was taking a break in the shade of the overhang.

the owner of this car pulled in with this fleetline on a trailer. too precious to drive, i guess, and i don't really blame him. well, he backed it down the ramp, and it just sat there for a bit. so, of course, i went over and had it all to myself. at least until someone told him to move it and the trailer out of the way. and people were mostly ignoring it for the time being.

pretty simple lines. just that fishin’ pole for decoration.

i'll take one, please.

time to chat

found my way to the viejitos ela show this morning. really didn't want to get out of bed, but expected it to be hot later. and i was awake anyway.

at eight in the morning the lot was already pretty full of bombs. just what the doctor ordered. hurrying, but not hurrying, racing the sun that always wins.

had to take a couple of breaks back under the roof of the drive-in overhang. nice breeze there. waitress even gave me a cup of water. thanks so much.

i was about ready to head home when i was over by this car. liked the hood ornament. the hood was up, so generally would have skipped out on the car. then the owner came over and started talking about other car shows i should check out. big shows in vegas. i happen to be going there week after next on business, but no big shows going on while i'm out there. oh well. i'll see if i can get to the local club shows.

he closed the hood for me, and i shot a few while we continued talking.

really the only one who talked to me, aside from another guy taking pictures with his cell phone, or the guy who said he liked my felix chevrolet shirt. so, i'll post this one first.

san pedro early tomorrow. i gotta get some sleep...and another hard drive.


underwear or bikinis?


eleven more days | forty-four walks around the neighborhood | forty-four baglettes of shit. that's how i'm counting down until my kid gets home and can have his puppy back. i'm tired. better shape, but tired every day in a good way. i want to get back to playing with my pictures on a more regular basis. just to get time to myself tonight, i've had to bribe the dog with another bone to keep him occupied. i've taken too long and he's finished and is already trying to sleep, but my typing is keeping him from totally going under.

anyway, not soon enough.


here's another from san fernando. i suppose i really should be working on a few from the viejitos show, if i wanted to be all chronological about it, but i tend to jump around to any show from any year, depending on my mood, or if i feel like showing a particular car.

truth be told, i should have worked on the car that was sitting next to this one, since the owner practically invited me to have my way with his car, inside, outside, upside down. what was it, a '39 chevy? ya, the kind that the hood opens up like bird wings. he didn't know i don't usually shoot cars with their hoods up. i like the car, but usually, i'll pass them by. but i did take some. maybe i'll even post one when i get more time.

i liked the angle on this one better.

getting tired, so i'll leave you all with this question to ponder: are these chicks wearing underwear or bikinis? so much i could say about this picture, but i'll button my lip, as i've already said too much tonight.

bikini or underwear?