what's up?


1954 chevy bel air

welcome to my slightly revamped website. i understand it still needs work, but it seems to be working well enough.

maybe i'll just reformat it into pictures up front. i doubt most people want to read my pointless drivel anyway. except you, jimbo, that i know.

supposedly i can mess with the layout and not lose the text if i change my mind later. we'll see.

this shot is from almost a year ago. creeping around before sunrise can get some interesting pictures.

i like old chevrolets, in case you hadn't noticed.

tail end

1960 cadillac coupe deville

i'm at my mom's, locked in my old bedroom, enjoying the snot-filled end of a bad cold. the possessed lucifer voice is losing it's grip blow by snotty blow. note to my better half: "bow to me faithfully, bow to me splendidly," morbid angel, god of emptiness. go listen to that song--that's what he thinks i sound like. watch the official video, the quality is so much better than others. i'll add the link when i get home to my computer.

doctor says its just a cold, and i just have to suffer through it.

work is piling up at the office, and i will be slammed from whenever i get back, through my road trip time in a couple of weeks. joy.

was going through old pics last week, and had this one waiting to post. shot at the pomona swapmeet a couple of years ago. just love the pointy fins and the twins.

the night is dark and full of...

1939 chevy master deluxei should say, it is leaning more toward morning in this shot. haven't really been out shooting at night for a long time. i really should work on that.

been a while since i took this picture. i want to say there was a kid that belonged with this car that stood aside patiently, for me to finish, so he could get something from inside. i may be mixing it up with another car i shot later in the morning.

whatever, long exposures are a hassle, so when i find a car by itself, and too early for lots of people or cars to be noticed, i'm happy.

dealing with issues at work, where we have one less designer, and so follows, more work for those left behind. i'm coming off jury duty, and i have a road trip coming up. the schedule is really going to be a bit hectic for a while, more so than usual. anyone know a good junior or senior graphic designer, let me know.


supposed to rain again tonight. guess i'll head to my mom's house for a couple of days. also, my daughter will be flying in mid-week. i'm already overloaded with work for the next couple of weeks, so i should be insane by next weekend.

posting one from the fairgrounds, since i didn't go to the swap meet today. true, it was raining at five in the morning, but it cleared up by lunchtime.

just love the curves on the back ends of fleetlines. bridgetown is always found here, along the bleachers. like they must always be first in line at the gates, at five in the morning. actually earlier. i get there at five and they're already in place, at least a few, staking out the row.

doña rosa

two hour drive home. wanted to go to frisco's, but i see they already got shut down on that one. damn. briefly considered heading to whittier blvd, or, just going uptown and waiting to see if anyone drives by the theatre.

nah, might to the whittier community car show in the morning, and i gotta get some sleep. not seeing any other show going on at the same time, or i'd probably go somewhere else for a change. also think i have to work all weekend to meet an arbitrary deadline, on a job that has been repeatedly pushed aside.

another car from last month at pomona. nice car, not overdone. almost thought it was a merc, but the chrome is all ford. nice chop job.

big one

1954 cadillac

been away from my blog for a while. just needed a break, recharge from my daily grind. should probably think about scheduling a vacation, and do it, instead of just saying i need to schedule a vacation.

i've mostly just been happy enough to see old cars drive by here and there, sometimes through the window, or while i'm walking uptown; other times, driving down the freeway. mini car shows. just for me.

the week has already started stupid, so i expect it will continue through friday. and so it goes...

saw this cadillac at pomona last month. haven't decided yet if i'll go in march. i know my better half wants to go. just been difficult to wake up early sometimes; i haven't been sleeping well lately. working so hard, can't slow my mind down at the end of the day. and don't recommend something to mellow me out...i don't smoke. there are other ways.


these past few months have just been incredibly busy. my son got married, then my better half's uncle was hospitalized and then funeralized; last weekend i got a last minute invite to my new daughter-in-law's brothers wedding. that was interesting, since i'd never met the bride or her side of the family. 

i arrived early, and went to sit in the mostly empty chapel. didn't take long before i had a man inquiring which i was there for, bride or groom. basically said, groom's sister just married my son—just figured it was simpler. later found out that was the bride's father. no, i'm not a wedding crasher.

still, later, i was walking around with my camera with a big lens, and any time i caught the bride's eye, i could see the who the hell is that look. i think at the end of the day, i realized that i never went over to introduce myself to them. lol. well all the best to them. i'll let my new daughter-in-law forward my pics to the happy couple.

top these events off with a big meeting at work, and i've been a very busy girl. and when i did find myself at home, i was too tired to turn on the computer, much less my better half. :)

another morning shot from early morning at pomona. just loved the light hitting this fleetmaster.


at my mom's house tonight. forgot to upload the next pic i had ready from the super cruise, so i'll just pull one that's been on the back burner.

sunrise at pomona swap meet is usually the best--fewer people in the way (they run off to shop for parts and good deals), cars not so jammed together, temperature hasn't reached hellish proportions, even in the summer, and you get that gorgeous morning light. and i don't have time to be picky about cars to shoot; once that sun peeks on the horizon, it hauls ass.

even a beater can be beautiful, but if you're next to a really nice car, like this 'burb, why the hell not? thankfully sitting pretty by itself, i took a few angles of it. i liked these best.

all work...

coe truck

i've been working too many hours this week. the extra hours should be ending about tomorrow. 

i've missed playing with my pictures. slept in late both days this weekend. didn't bother with the grand nationals...big show, too many people; i just have never gone to that one. i am enjoying seeing everyone else's pictures.

xmas tree came down today. better half's mom finally said it was time. what a pita...so many lights they put on the branches...i helped until i got a headache...hadn't had lunch yet.

waiting to go to the super cruise next week. on my little bro's birthday. too bad he moved to the other side of the states. guess i could make a cake and we could face time it to him, show him how much we're enjoying his bday cake. that might be too mean.

guess i'll spend the rest of today watching the clouds and sifting through pictures to post. rained very hard earlier, but looks like the clouds have blown away. planes are still flying pretty low, on their way to lax...must be pretty windy up there.

into the dark

i liked this car. owner and his friend were standing in front of it for a while, so i spent time wandering nearby and further away, shooting other cars. finally ran out of interesting cars for a while...it was very early...and went back over to it. just asked them if i could take a picture of their car, and voilà, they said sure, and moved out of the way.

hell of a week. a few 12+ hour days will do you in. taking a break right now. going to a memorial service this evening, followed by a funeral tomorrow. then more work to do.

house full of relatives. i may head to the office tomorrow, afterwards. it's just easier.

speaking of, got to watch a crime scene unfold the other day, down in irvine. they found a body on a bike trail. saw it from my office window, soon after they found it, just after the sun came up. didn't have my camera with me, just a cell phone. so, the pic i took before they covered the guy up, just looks like a cow laying across the path.

interesting to see how the cops dealt with the scene, a lot of cops milling around for a couple of hours before the forensic types showed up, failing miserably at hiding the body from view...seriously, it is right next to the freeway, and hanging blankets over the fence didn't cut it.

they say he was killed. my theory, until they say how it happened, is that the coyotes ganged up on him. his bike was parked nearby. i say, he got off the bike, thinking they were dogs, and the pack jumped him. i saw them yesterday from the window, on the same path. just a thought.

or it could be homeless guys under the freeway overpass. it's creepy down there as it is...i've walked over there before. might be a while before i think about walking by myself over there again.